Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 25 2023
- Time: 9:00 pm
AFI/MyT/DraganEagleTV – Pursue Your Passions and Live a Fulfilling Life (英文讲座)
本周二7/25美东时间晚上9-10:30PM/美西6-7:30PM/北京次日早上9-10:30AM,邀请高中生,大学生和大学毕业生家长们上来听听华二代分享: Pursue Your Passions and Live a Fulfilling Life
How to inspire yourself
Taking risks at young age
Transition to people-facing and community-oriented career
Moderator: Elise (Community Service Advocate/University Student/Student Leader)
Speaker: Bruce (Berkeley CS Graduate/founder of a coaching and consulting business/15 national and international gold medals in history subject)
Zoom Event Info:
Tuesday,July 25th
6-7:30 PM PST
9-10:30 PM EST
9-10:30 AM China
Zoom ID: 849 0883 2399